Ecosystem Restoration: An Introduction

Ecosystem Restoration

The whole surface of our planet is a series of interconnected ecosystems within which humans play multiple roles. An ecosystem is any geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms as well as weather and landscape work together to form a bubble of life. This even includes rocks, temperature, and humidity.

Most importantly, perhaps, the eco in ecosystem comes from the Greek oikos meaning home; this is our shared home and every factor in an ecosystem depends on each other.

Contrary to many popular narratives, we don’t interact with ecosystems, we interact within them. Whilst there are multiple cultural narratives and human structures which have led to the degradation of ecosystems (such as waste and consumerism, extractive industries, and militarisation to name a few…), humans are actually a vital part of their ecosystems, with the capability to contribute to thriving life. Far from ecomodernist narratives that frame humans as a ‘plague’ on ecosystems, this topic celebrates the beautiful opportunities and abilities to assist in the restoration, regeneration, and protection of our ecosystems.

Ecosystem Restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed. Importantly, ecosystem restoration gives us hope and inspiration. It is a healing process which everyone can participate in, and it also reminds us of our inviolable connection with nature. Ecosystem Restoration can reverse soil erosion and global biodiversity loss. Ecosystem Restoration regulates diseases and reduces the risk of natural disasters. Ecosystem Restoration protects the livelihoods of people living and working closely with the land and provides new green jobs in restoration.

Amazing restoration projects are already taking place across the planet that demonstrate the potential to nurture, restore and regenerate natural environments for healthy ecosystems where both people and the planet can thrive. There are also so many emerging and growing projects, ideas, and visions within which people across the planet can start restoring ecosystems themselves.


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