Action for Conservation: What It Means to Be an “Environmentalist”

In this episode of EcoResolution Interviews, Ruby talks with Hendrikus van Hensbergen, the founder of Action for Conservation. Action for Conservation is an organisation working to inspire today's young people to foster a long-term belief in the wonder of the natural world and inspiring a youth movement committed to the earth. 

“Central to our work is that we can all be environmentalists no matter what we end up doing, no matter what our day jobs are. And so a message that we really try to hammer home with young people is that whatever they choose to do they can have a positive effect on the future. We need a generation of green politicians, green bankers, green buildings, green architects, green everything. It’s not about what you necessarily do in the day job, but rather it be a part of your life and a part of your identity.”

We discuss the evolving perception of activism, what it means to be an environmentalist, why grassroots movement and policy change are equally important, and how connection to nature has a transformative effect on people's lives. 

Find out more about Action for Conservation here.


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